1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin

1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin


1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin

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SKU: S-1987-$1-JOHNDAVIS Categories: , , Tags: ,
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1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin

In 1987, numismatists and history enthusiasts had the privilege of celebrating a momentous occasion through a remarkable piece of currency - the 1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin. This commemorative coin stands as a testament to the courageous journey undertaken by John Davis and his crew in 1587, as they sought to navigate the treacherous waters of the Northwest Passage. Let's delve into the significance of this silver dollar and its historical roots.

  1. Exploring the Coin's Design: The 1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin showcases a meticulously crafted design that encapsulates the essence of the John Davis Expedition. On the obverse side, an intricately detailed portrait of John Davis himself captures the determination and spirit that fuelled his quest for discovery. The reverse side features a vivid depiction of the sturdy ships battling icy waters, paying homage to the vessels that braved the uncharted territories of the Northwest Passage.
  2. A Tribute to Exploration and Adventure: The 400th Anniversary John Davis Expedition 1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin serves as a poignant reminder of the courage and curiosity that defined the Age of Exploration. John Davis, an English navigator, embarked on his historic journey in search of a northern route to Asia, venturing where few had dared to tread. His voyage not only paved the way for subsequent navigational endeavours but also highlighted the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
  3. Connecting the Past and Present: By introducing the 1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin, numismatic authorities sought to bridge the gap between past and present. This coin stands as a tangible link to the legacy of John Davis, his pioneering navigational techniques, and his role in advancing the world's understanding of geographic boundaries. Collectors and history enthusiasts alike can hold in their hands a piece of history that connects them to a time when uncharted waters were the canvas for discovery.
  4. A Glimpse into History's Impact: The legacy of the John Davis Expedition and its commemoration through the1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin continues to inspire modern-day explorers, adventurers, and scholars. The challenges faced by Davis and his crew shed light on the formidable obstacles that explorers encountered in their quests for knowledge and discovery. This coin serves as a conversation starter, prompting discussions about exploration, human curiosity, and the evolution of navigational technology.

The 1987 $1 400th Anniversary of John Davis Expedition of the North West Passage Silver Proof Coin encapsulates the spirit of adventure and discovery that defined John Davis' historic voyage. This coin not only commemorates a courageous exploration but also serves as a tangible link to a pivotal moment in human history. As collectors and enthusiasts appreciate its design and significance, they honour the enduring legacy of those who dared to venture into the unknown, shaping our understanding of the world in the process.

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Royal Canadian Mint








In capsule, in leather case


23.33 grams



Year of Issue


Certificate of Authenticity




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